Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reuters: US Fails to Prosecute Internet Fraud !

I came across an interesting article that i thought i should share. Internet fraud in all its forms apparently is causeing a headache to many states as stated by Reuters that eight states have them as the top three most difficult issues they have to handle.

The Subtext outlined on the article was " While Web users drown in spam and fend off scams aimed at stealing their money, U.S Federal and state law enforcemenet authorities are doing little to resolve what has become a multi-billion dollar problem."

I believe that this is a concernas the world is evolving towards adding the word " Internet " to the necesties of survival in between water, food, shelter and clothing !

Estiamtes showed a cost of $7.1 Billion in 2007 for spware, viruses and phising costs. Which is as the article states $2 Billion higher than the year before showing a very high increase annually.

The article is very interesting showing the involvmenet of government or the lack of according to concerned individuals and the affect of this on societies all over the globe.

A Link

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Welcome to my Blog

I would like to welcome you to my blog. I will be discussing many aspects and threats of fraud that are is an unfortunate but present fact in the evolution of technology in our world. I hope that i can be of help or simply entertain you with current events and cases.